Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Top Ten Most Controversial Websites
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Tuesday, 9 October 2012
The Internet, a network of computers covering the entire planet, allows people to access almost any information located anywhere in the world at any time. Its effects on business, communication, economy, entertainment and even politics are profound. The Internet may not have changed the world as much as the plow, but it's probably on par with the steam engine or automobile.
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the research
and development arm of the U.S. military, created ARPANET in the late 1960s.
This network of computer-to-computer connections was intended for military and
academic research. Other computer networks began to cross the globe in the next
few years, and by the late 1970s computer scientists had created a single
protocol, TCP/IP, that would allow computers on any network to communicate with
computers on other networks. This was, essentially, the birth of the Internet,
but it took 10 or so years for various other networks in the world to adopt the
new protocol, making the Internet truly global.
The Internet is such a powerful invention that we've probably only
begun to see the effects it will have on the world. The ability to diffuse and
recombine information with such efficiency could accelerate the rate at which
further world-changing inventions are created. At the same time, some fear that
our ability to communicate, work, play and do business via the Internet breaks
down our ties to local communities and causes us to become socially isolated.
Like any invention, the good or ill it accomplishes will come from how we
choose to use it.
Friday, 5 October 2012
Zombie Ants (Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis)
Zombie Fungus:
Main Story:
stalk of the newfound fungus species Ophiocordyceps camponoti-balzani, grows
out of a “zombie” ant’s head in a Brazilian rain forest. Originally thought to
be a single species, called Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, the fungus is actually
four distinct species—all of which can “mind control” ants.
The fungus species infects an ant, then takes over its brain
(what is it about Zombies and brains) and then kills the insect once it has
moved to a location that is ideal for the fungi to grow and spread their
Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis |
According to some scientists;
"It is tempting to
speculate that each species of fungus has its own ant species that it is best
adapted to attack," Hughes said.
"This potentially
means thousands of zombie fungi in tropical forests across the globe await
discovery," he said. "We need to ramp up sampling—especially given
the perilous state of the environment.” Matt
Kaplan said.
Identification of infected ant:
The infected ant can be identified at the end of his life cycle by its reproductive system by a wiry yet pliant darkly pigmented stoma stalk extending from the back of the deceased ant's head.
How does the fungus attack's an ant???:
fungus's spores enter the body of the insect likely through the cuticle by
enzymatic activity, where they begin to consume the non-vital soft tissues.
Yeast stages of the fungus spread in the ant's body and presumably produce
compounds that affect the ant's brain and change its behavior by unknown
mechanisms, causing the insect to climb up the stem of a plant and use its mandibles to secure itself to the plant. Infected ants
bite the leaf veins with abnormal force, leaving telltale dumbbell-shaped
marks. A search through plant fossil databases revealed similar marks on a fossil
leaf from the "Messel pit" which is 48 millions old.
The fungus then kills the ant, and continues to grow as its
mycelia invade more soft tissues and structurally fortify the ant’s
exoskeleton. More mycelia then sprout out of the ants, and securely anchor it
to the plant substrate while secreting antimicrobials to ward off competition. When
releasing the spores. This process takes four to ten days.
The changes in the behavior of the infected ants are very
specific, giving rise to the term “Zombie ants”, and tuned for the benefit of
the fungus. The ants generally clamp to a leaf’s vein about twenty five cm
above the ground, on the northern side if the plant, in an environment with
94-95% humidity and temperatures between 20 and 30°C. when the dead ants are
repositioned in various other situations, further vegetative growth and
sporulation either fails to occur or results in undersized and abnormal
reproductive structures.
However the ants have developed sense to identify the
infected ants, they recognize the infection and then carry the infected “Zombie
Ant” away from their nest to prevent others ants from the fungus infection.
But is there only one species of fungus? Harry Evans, Simon Elliot and David Hughes were inrigued by the original description of Torrubia unilateralis, as it was called at the time. In 1865, Louis Rene Tulasne a French mycologist, described a leaf-cutting and as the host for the fungus. His brother, Charles Tulasne, worked with him and illustrated their findings. Charles’s drawing of an infected ant does not depict the leaf-cutter: rather, it appears to be a carpenter ant, with its characteristic spines. The fungus has only ever been found infecting carpenter ants. Could Louis have made a mistake? Maybe there other species of ant-zombifying fungi out there?
Sunday, 30 September 2012
The Vampire Killer (Richard Trenton)
The Vampire Killer
(Richard Trenton)
Main theme:
Trenton Chase became known as "The Vampire Killer of Sacramento"
because he would drink the blood of his victims and practiced cannibalism with
their body parts. A typically "disorganized" killer, Chase picked his
victims randomly and left as much evidence as he could around his home and the
crime scenes. He drained his victim's blood, blended it with body organs and
drank it. It was the only way to stop his own blood from turning into powder,
or so did the voices in his head said. He also took some body parts home to
munch on later.
Main Story:
Richard Trenton was born in the 23rd of May, 1950. He
had a sister, four years younger to him and his father was a strict
disciplinarian who bickered constantly with his wife. When Richard was child,
he likes to set fires and to torment animals. When he was ten, he started
killing cats and when he was a teenager, he drank and smoke dope, getting into
trouble several times but felt no shame over it.
He dated several girls, one of whom reported the he was unable to
perform sexually and because he could not keep an erection. This problem went
to him when he was 18, so, he went to a psychiatrist. He learned that a root
cause of losing erection was repressed anger. The psychiatrist also thought
that he might be suffering from a major illness and was mentally disturbed, but
he did not suggest he be committed.
He was preoccupied with any sign that something was wrong with
him. This held true throughout his adult life. He also complained that the
bones were coming out through the back of his head, that his stomach was
backwards, and that his heart often stopped beating. Another psychiatrist
diagnosed him as a paranoid schizophrenic, but thought he might actually be
suffering from a drug-induced toxic psychosis. He was put under observation for
72 hours, and it was recommended that he stay but he was allowed to leave
whenever he wanted without obtaining permission. Eventually he was released.
After he moved out of his parents home, he went through a series
of roommates, many of whom reported his bizarre behavior and heavy drug use.
Even the few friends he had considered him weird. Once he nailed shut his
bedroom closet door because people were invading his space from in there.
He started killing rabbits and drank their blood to quench his
thrust, often he kiss, lick and disembowel various animals, sometimes mixing the raw organs with
Coca-Cola in a blender and drinking the concoction. Chase reasoned that by
ingesting the creatures he was preventing his heart from shrinking.
Murders by Richard:
killed his first human victim on December 29th, 1977. His first murder was
Ambrose Griffin, a 51-year-old male. Griffin and his wife had just returned
from a trip and while they were unpacking their car, Mrs. Griffin heard two
popping sounds and Ambrose dropped dead in front of her. Chase’s first human
murder was this “drive-by” like shooting. He did some random break-ins for a little while. His next murder was Teresa Wallin on January 23rd, 1978. She
was three months pregnant. Chase shot and killed her and then dragged her into
the bedroom. When Teresa’s husband came home that night, he followed the blood
trail into their bedroom and found a gruesome scene: his wife’s body was lying
motionless, her sweater pulled up over her breasts, her panties down around her
ankles with her legs splayed open indicating sexual assault, her left nipple
was cut off, her torso carved open, her spleen and intestines removed, she’d
been stabbed repeatedly, and other organs were dismembered. There was a yogurt
container that had been used to drink her blood and odd rings were around the
body indicating a container had been placed there as if to take blood with the
On January 27th, 1978, he committed his last murders. Evelyn
Miroth, 38, was babysitting her 20-month-old nephew and her son, Jason Miroth,
6, and her friend, Dan Meredith, 51, was over visiting her. Chase murdered them
all including the baby boy. He’d stabbed and shot all of them, killing and
slicing open Evelyn much like he did Teresa Wallin. He’d cut open the baby’s
head and dumped pieces of the brain in the tub. He’d fled with the baby’s body
which was later found in box by a dumpster.
The police and FBI caught him with help of a profile and an
old friend of Chase’s. FBI agent (and one of the first criminal profilers)
Robert Ressler asked Chase, upon Chase’s arrest, how he chose his victims. Chase
said that he’d go from house to house testing doors to see which houses were
left unlocked and which ones weren’t. Chase said that if the door was locked,
it meant he wasn’t welcome, but if the door was unlocked, he could go in.
Chase killed himself in prison on December 26th, 1980 by
overdose if his medications.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
The Lady( Who Married her self
The Lady( Who Married Her self )
Main theme:
In November 2010, Chen Wei-yih of Taiwan married herself.
She spent $5,675 on a groom-less wedding that concludes with a honeymoon in
Australia. She also posed for a set of photos in a flowing white dress,
enlisted a wedding planner and rented a banquet hall for a marriage celebration
with 30 friends.
Uninspired by the men she's met but facing social pressure to get married, the 30-year-old Taipei office worker will hold the reception next month in honor of just one person."Age thirty is a prime period for me. My work and experience are in good shape, but I haven't found a partner, so what can I do?" Chen said.
"It's not that I'm anti-marriage. I just hope that I can express a different idea within the bounds of a tradition."
Her T$50,000 ($5,675) wedding comes after online publicity that has netted 1,800 largely sympathetic comments.
"I think there will be more and more girls like this," said "diva girl," who did not elaborate.
Taiwanese women are marrying later and less often as their economic status advances, fuelling government concerns about a drop in the birth rate and its impact on productivity.
Only 40 percent of women surveyed earlier this year by the education ministry said they imagined married people could live better than singles, local media said.
"I was just hoping that more people would love themselves," said Chen, who will go on a solo honeymoon to Australia.
Chen said her mother had insisted on a groom at first but later jumped aboard the solo marriage plan.
But as Chen cannot officially register a marriage to herself, if she finds a man later she will wed again.
"If I had a steady boyfriend, I wouldn't do this," Chen said. "It would be offensive to him, anyway."
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Metallic Cheetah by DARPA and Boston Dynamics
Metallic Cheetah(A DARPA and Boston Dynamics project)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Boston Dynamics have
unleashed an amazing robot, a 4 legged metallic robot that runs even faster
than the Olympic Champion Usain Bolt.
terrifying legged robot has beaten its own speed record of 18 Mph by running at
the top speed of 28.3(45.3 km/h) over 20 meters in a Lab trial. The galloping
bot is officially faster than the fastest human - Usain Bolt who reached 27.3
mph (43.9km/h) in 2009, setting the top limit of human speed.
behind the robot hope to see Cheetah max out at speeds as fast as 70
miles-per-hour. The DARPA’s goal is to create legged robot that don’t sacrifice
speed for mobility on rough terrain.
robot has a ways to go before it can come close to matching the speeds of its
living and breathing cheetah kin (the Cincinnati Zoo's cheetah, Sarah, was
recently clocked at 61 mph), but that really isn't the point," DARPA said
in its release.
One day,
the agency hopes to let Cheetah loose in the natural and man-made environments
where defense personnel operate, allowing the robot to contribute to emergency
response, humanitarian assistance, and other missions.
plans to test a prototype in the field next year, pulling Cheetah off of its
current treadmill regimen and running it through natural terrain.
by an off-board hydraulic pump, the robot has increased its speed since DARPA
last released results in March, thanks to improved control algorithms and a
more powerful pump.If this progress isn’t impressive (and frightening) enough,
Boston Dynamics also today announced plans to unleash Cheetah from its
treadmill tether. Sometime next year, they anticipate unveiling Wildcat, a
“free running outdoor Cheetah robot” that can hit those high speeds on myriad
types of terrain.
which is one robot in a long line of impressive Pentagon-sponsored robotics
feats, has clear military applications, including emergency and disaster
response. But DARPA doesn’t seem to be stopping there. Last year, the agency
noted that Cheetah robots might also be useful in “advanced agriculture and
vehicular travel.”
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Stroke (Identification)
STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters... S.T...R...
My friend sent this
to me ...and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree. If everyone
can remember something this simple, we could save some folks.
During a party, a
friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine
and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. (They offered to call
They got her cleaned
up and got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid
went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid's husband called
later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00pm,
Ingrid passed away.)
She had suffered a
stroke at the party. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke,
perhaps Ingrid would be with us today.
A neurologist says
that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the
effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke
recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within
3 hours, which is tough.
Sometimes symptoms of
a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells
The stroke victim may
suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of
a stroke.
Now doctors say a
bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S * Ask the
individual to SMILE...
T * = TALK. Ask the
person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (e.g. 'it is sunny out today').
R * Ask him or her to
If he or she has
trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call the ambulance and describe the
symptoms to the dispatcher.
NOTE: Another 'sign'
of a stroke is
1. Ask the person to
'stick' out their tongue.
2. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the
other that is also an indication of a stroke.
Dead Boy rises for a "Drink"
Dead Boy rises for a " Drink "
Ok, this zombie thing is really getting out of hand…In a case that seems almost too
unbelievable to be true – Brazilian news media claimed that 2 year old Kelvin Santos
Ok, this zombie thing is really getting out of hand…In a case that seems almost too
unbelievable to be true – Brazilian news media claimed that 2 year old Kelvin Santos
stopped breathing during treatment for pneumonia at a hospital in Belem, northern
He was declared dead at 7.40pm on Friday and his body was handed over to his family
in a plastic bag. But an hour before his funeral was due to take place on Saturday the boy apparently
sat up in his coffin and said: ‘Daddy, can I have some water?’.
The boy’s father, Antonio Santos, said: “Everybody started to scream, we couldn’t
believe our eyes. Then we thought a miracle had taken place and our boy had come
back to life. “Everyone was shocked, some people fainted and others started praying and praising
God. Mr. Santos immediately gave him a cup of water, then the boy layed down and
didn’t move again. Kelvin’s father rushed him back to the hospital in Belem, where
the doctors reexamined the boy. However, doctors confirmed again that he had no
signs of life. The child had been dead for about 20 hours before he rose.
Later that day, the boy’s family decided to delay the funeral for an hour in the hope
that he would wake up again, but ended up burying him at 5pm that day in a local
in a plastic bag. But an hour before his funeral was due to take place on Saturday the boy apparently
sat up in his coffin and said: ‘Daddy, can I have some water?’.
The boy’s father, Antonio Santos, said: “Everybody started to scream, we couldn’t
believe our eyes. Then we thought a miracle had taken place and our boy had come
back to life. “Everyone was shocked, some people fainted and others started praying and praising
God. Mr. Santos immediately gave him a cup of water, then the boy layed down and
didn’t move again. Kelvin’s father rushed him back to the hospital in Belem, where
the doctors reexamined the boy. However, doctors confirmed again that he had no
signs of life. The child had been dead for about 20 hours before he rose.
Later that day, the boy’s family decided to delay the funeral for an hour in the hope
that he would wake up again, but ended up burying him at 5pm that day in a local
Saturday, 8 September 2012
The Hanged Elephant(Poor Mary)
The hanged Elephant:
In 1916 13 of september , an Entra ordinary incident took place at Tennesse, an elephant was hanged
for killing her trainer. Her snap shot is given below:
Snap Shot:
![]() |
Mary-The Elephant |
In some writings about Mary it is speculated that she was a 'killer elephant' that had been sold from one circus to another. That is not true. Mary had been with the Spark's circus for twenty years, as their first wild animal. Charles Sparks and his wife, Addie, were very caring people. They saw that the animals connected with their show were well cared for. The trainers were instructed to use 'gentling care.'
The Spark's show played in Jenkins, Kentucky, then on to St. Paul, Virginia where they connected with the Clinchfield Railroad on September 9, 1916. Late in the summer, Louis Reed, the regular elephant trainer, had to leave the show. Paul Jacoby, who had previously been the elephant trainer, took over the job. By the time they got to St. Paul they needed an 'under keeper' for the elephants.
On Sunday, October 10th or Monday September 11th, Walter "Red" Eldridge was hired as 'under keeper.' Ruth has spent many hours trying to get the background of Red Eldridge. His age was estimated as between 23 and 38 years. He was hired in St. Paul but apparently had no family there. It was learned that he had been working in a hotel in St. Paul before he was hired for the circus. Also, one lead was that he was from Mt. Vernon, Indiana. That was checked out with no results. His death certificate did not give names of parents or birthplace. Ruth would be very interested to learn if anyone knows anything about Red Eldridge.
The circus went from St. Paul to Kingsport where they played on September 12th. Between shows the elephants were driven to a watering hole. On the way back to the tent, Mary went for a piece of watermelon beside the road. Red prodded her sensitive ear with a bull hook and she became enraged. She grabbed Red with her trunk and threw against a drink stand. Then she stepped on his head until it was flat.
The people were terrified. They began screaming, "Kill the elephant!" A blacksmith tried, but the guns that day were not powerful enough. Charlie Sparks soon arrived on the scene and calmed Mary. Mayor Miller and Sheriff Hickman 'arrested' Mary and staked her by the county jail where many onlookers came by to see her. They gave a statement to the Johnson City Staff newspaper that steps would be taken to see that the elephant did not come into contact with the people of Johnson City.
That night, Charlie and Addie Sparks had to make the most difficult decision of their circus careers. After all those years with Mary they had become so attached to her, but they couldn't take a chance that she might harm a circus patron. They decided to have her destroyed. But how were they to destroy a 7500 pound elephant? Shooting her in four soft spots on her head might have worked but was too risky with the crowd of curiosity seekers that the story attracted. She was too smart to eat food laced with cyanide.
In 1903, an elephant had been electrocuted at Coney Island, with the help of Thomas Edison. Kingsport or Erwin did not have enough electrical power for an electrocution. Clinchfield could use two engines to crush Mary, or the derrick could be used for hanging her. Technically, Mary killed Red in Kingsport, so Sullivan County should be where she met her fate.
The summer of 1916 had torrential rains that caused floods and washouts on the railroad tracks. Clinchfield would not risk sending its derrick car 80 miles, round trip, north to Kingsport when it might be needed south, over the Blue Ridge Mountains into North Carolina. Before midnight on September 12th Charlie Sparks made the decision to take Mary to Erwin to be hanged. That decision would also hang on Erwin the fame of elephant killer for the next 80 years.
Wednesday, September 13th was overcast from several days of rain. The five elephants were moved from the circus lot to the railroad siding where the hanging was to take place. It was about 5 PM. Mary's foot was chained to the track and the derrick chain put on her neck. A witness described the derrick chain breaking as she was lifted. The reason, the ankle chain had not been released. The witness said he could hear the ankle tendons being torn. When the chain broke, Mary fell back on the track and was stunned and not able to get up. They quickly got another chain around her neck and hoisted her into the air once more. Within a few minutes she was dead. Mary was buried on railroad property near where she was hanged. A few people today say they can point to the spot. No one has ever been allowed to dig up her bones.
Today if an elephant is judged to be dangerous it would be an entirely different story. Because at the present time there are sanctuaries for old, sick, and needy animals. One such place is the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. It is located at Hohenwald, in Lewis County. They now have two elephants and room to expand to care for as many as ten more. If such a place had existed in 1916 perhaps Mary could have been sent there and today Erwin would not be known as the town that hanged the elephant.
Black Blob(Mysterious blob)
Mysterious BlackBlob
"They can offer me double the
fare, but if La Mancha Negra is bad I won't drive. It's not worth dying
for" said Orlando Acevedo, a taxi driver.
What in the black blob...?
in 1992CARACAS,
Venezuela - The driving is easy. The road is smooth. Suddenly the car spins and
swirls out of control as it skates along a layer of goo that mysteriously
covers highways here.
![]() |
The Black Blob |
Venezuelans call
the goo La Mancha Negra - the black stain - but it's really more like a blob, a
thick black sludge with the consistency of chewing gum. No one knows what it
is. No one knows where it comes from. No one knows how to get rid of it.
Some say it's oil
oozing from poorly made asphalt. Others say it's oil falling from overworked
car engines. It could be burned rubber from frayed tires. Some people think
it's all of the above.
Motorists are
petrified of the blob. Government officials have spent millions of dollars
trying to find out what it is, using local experts and others from the U.S.,
Canada and Europe.
They've formed a
national commission to study the blob, and even a federal judge is
"We don't
know what it is. We clean it away and it comes back the next day. It's
frightening," said Arturo Carvajal, an engineer and vice president of a
company trying to remove the goo from a major Caracas highway.
company and others have tried washing the blob away with pressurized water and
detergent. They've tried blowing it away with pressurized air.
They've tried
drying it up with piles of pulverized limestone. And they've scraped it away by
repeatedly replacing the top layer of
asphalt on some
blob-infested highways.
At various times,
the government has declared victory, only to have La Mancha Negra return bigger
and worse than ever. And it's reproducing, somehow moving from one highway to
the next throughout Venezuela.
The blob also is
a killer: More than 1,800 motorists have died in the past five years on one
eight-mile stretch of blob-covered highway between Caracas and the city's
international airport.
with La Mancha Negra is like driving in a grand prix. You've got to be careful,
or you'll die," said Antonio Perez, a taxi driver who frequently deals
with the blob on the airport highway.
It was on this
road five years ago that La Mancha Negra first appeared. The government was
patching the 30-year-old concrete highway with asphalt when the first shiny
blotches appeared. Few Venezuelans took notice. The blob was in its infancy.
At first the blob
covered 50 yards. Then 100 yards. Then a mile. And now eight miles, though the
blob contracts and expands depending on the weather. Rain and heat make the
substance grow; cold and dryness make it shrink. The blob also seems to like it
best in tunnels, and it prefers the uphill lanes on grades rather than level
In a nation where
corruption is endemic, many Venezuelans think someone made big money - and
unexpectedly created the blob - by laying cheap asphalt that bleeds oil when
the temperature rises. Others think someone is making big money by repeatedly
botching the repair job.
That's where the
judge comes in. He has been investigating charges of corruption since last
year, but no one has been fingered. Not the Ministry of Transportation and
Communications, which is responsible for taking care of the nation's highways.
Not the Venezuelan national oil company, which provided the asphalt.
"There could
be corruption, but who knows for sure? Everybody is giving a different
explanation. It's a total mystery," said Ruth Capriles, Venezuela's
foremost whistle-blower and author of the two-volume "Corruption Dictionary,"
a compendium of the nation's worst cases of graft.
Capriles, like
most Venezuelans, has pet theories about La Mancha Negra. She thinks political
opponents of President Carlos Andres Perez may be dumping oil on the roads to
make his government look bad. And then there is the theory that raw sewage from
slums somehow is flowing under the roads and triggering a chemical reaction in
the asphalt.
Whatever the
source of La Mancha Negra, it makes driving hell. Motorists say roads become as
slick as ice when the blob is at full strength. Drivers slow to a snail's pace,
and they don't dare hit the brakes or turn quickly for fear of doing a 360 and
ending up in the trees.
On the airport
road, where multiple-car pile-ups are common, huge red signs warn motorists to
slow down and drive with caution. Four nights a week, the uphill side of the
road is closed while 50 workers wash, blow, scrape and pulverize the blob.
Workers say they
finally had the monster on the ropes in April, when they covered it with
crushed limestone. It shriveled and shrunk and all but disappeared. But when
motorists complained that dust made it difficult to breathe, the blob was given
a reprieve.
Now, workers are out
of answers. That makes Venezuelans tremblePoor Robber who broke into hair saloon
Poor Robber who broke into hair saloon:
A Russian man who tried to rob a hair salon ended up as
the victim when the female shop owner overpowered him, tied him up naked and
then used him as a sex slave for three days.
Viktor Jasinski, 32, admitted to police that he had gone
to the salon in Meshchovsk, Russia, with the intention of robbing it. But the tables were turned dramatically when
he found himself overcome by owner Olga Zajac, 28, who happened to be a black
belt in karate.
She allegedly
floored the would-be robber with a single kick.
Then, in a
scene reminiscent of Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, police say Zajac dragged
the semi-conscious Jasinski to a back room of the salon and tied him up with a
hair dryer cable.
She allegedly
stripped him naked and, for the next three days, used him as a sex slave to
'teach him a lesson' - force feeding him Viagra to keep the lesson going. The would-be
robber was eventually released, with Zajak saying he had learned his lesson.Jasinski went
straight to the police and told them of his back-room ordeal, saying that he
had been held hostage, handcuffed naked to a radiator, and fed nothing but
Viagra. (both have now
been arrested).
When police
arrived to question Zahjac, she said: 'What a bastard. Yes, we had sex a couple
of times. But I bought him new jeans, gave him food and even gave him 1,000
roubles when he left.
Intel Powered Smart Phones(Intel)
Intel Powered Smart Phone:
Now days smart phone are getting common and are becoming part of our life.Intel Also introduces a smart phone to meet our needs. As you are getting tired of old one's,
these new one's are so smart and amazing.
Intel Powered smart phone's:
Smartphones and tablets running Intel's chips will enter the mobile market
early next year, posing a challenge to the dominance of Apple's iPhone and
iPad, US media ...
reported Wednesday.Technology Review, a magazine published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said it had tested prototype smartphones and tablets equipped with Intel's latest mobile chip, dubbed Medfield. The products run Google's Android mobile operating system, reported Xinhua.
"We expect products based on these to be announced in the first half of 2012," Stephen Smith, vice president of Intel's architecture group, told the magazine.
The prototype products are known as "reference designs" which are sent out to make a pitch for persuading manufacturers to build their devices around Intel's technology.
According to Technology Review, the phone prototype was similar in dimensions to the iPhone 4 but noticeably lighter.
The phone was powerful and pleasing to use, at par with the latest iPhone and Android handsets. It could play Blu-Ray-quality video and stream it to a TV if desired; Web browsing was smooth and fast, said the review.
An outstanding feature of the phone is its camera's "burst mode" which can capture 10 full-size eight-megapixel images at a rate of 15 per second, it noted.
Intel's tablet, running the latest version of Android system, has a slightly larger screen than the iPad 2 but is about the same thickness and weight. The review said a limited trial suggested it was nicer to use than older tablets based on older versions of Android.
Intel has tested its reference handset against a handful of the leading phones on sale today and the tests show that Medfield offers faster browsing and graphics performance and lower power consumption than the top three, Smith told Technology Review.
In September, Intel announced a partnership with Google to enable the Android system to support the world's largest chip maker's architectures.
As we know that Intel has been struggling to get a bite of the booming market of smartphones and tablets. Most of the current mobile devices use chips based on architecture from ARM Holdings, which are considered more power efficient than Intel's products. Nokia had planned to ship smartphones with Intel chips this year, but it shifted to ARM-based phones with Windows Phone 7 system.
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